The Fatdown bundle includes the following plugins:
- Autoemail --- email addresses such as are automatically turned into links
- Autolink --- URLs such as are automatically turned into links
- Escaper --- special characters can be escaped with a backslash like *this*
- FancyPants --- some typography is enhanced, e.g. (c) (tm) and "quotes"
- HTMLComments --- you can use HTML comments <!-- like this one -->
- HTMLElements --- several HTML elements such as <sub>sub</sub> and <sup>sup</sup> are allowed
- HTMLEntities --- HTML entities such as ♥ are decoded
- Litedown --- a Markdown-like syntax
- MediaEmbed --- URLs from media sites are automatically embedded:
- PipeTables --- ASCII-style tables are supported. See its syntax
The parser/renderer used on this page has been generated by this script. It's been minified with Google Closure Compiler to 39.2 KB (16.3 KB compressed)
The Fatdown bu